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Commercial Services

Residential Services


Repairs & prolongs life of roof

Cost effective solution

Maximum life expectancy

Transform the look of your roof

Full warranties available

Solutions for Asbestos Roofs

Solutions for Steel Roofs


Aging roofs reaching the end of their life expectancy will start to corrode and eventually completely fail. The cost of replacing a roof are exacerbated by the downtime and overall cost of material and labour. 


With coating systems that can provide a 15 year guarantee and 30 year life expectancy, coating remains the most effective means of extending your roof’s time in service. At 1/3rd the cost of replacement, even the most aged and rusted roofs can be rehabilitated. 


Norcoat has extensive experience in rehabilitating roofs, with co-operation from most major paint manufacturers we can provide a paint system to suit your budget.



Get in touch today to arrange a no obligation onsite survey and quotation.

Prefer to speak to someone? Us too. We’re ready to take your call on 072 220 0861

Project References

Norcoat - Roof Spray Contractor

On-site spraying specialist available nationwide.
Industrial spray painting solutions to prolong the life of your assest.

Professional Paint Contractor

©2021 by Norcoat (Pty) Ltd.

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